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Happy Holidays! We’re grateful for your support and wish you a joyful season.
We at TRC Consultants are thrilled to announce that version 2.11 of our software has experienced the fastest adoption rate among major releases in over a decade!
If you are currently considering an update to version 2.11, we would like to highlight several key reasons why this upgrade is highly recommended:
Enhanced Compatibility: PHDwin 2.11 offers improved compatibility with newer Windows operating systems, including Windows 11, surpassing the compatibility of previous V2 releases.
V2Connect Feature: This release introduces the new V2Connect feature, which provides outputs that closely match our V3Connect. If you are planning to transition to PHDwin V3 in the future, version 2.11 serves as the ideal build to facilitate a smooth and seamless move.
New Reporting Outputs: PHDwin 2.11 addresses long-standing user requests by incorporating new reporting outputs. Notably, it includes a concise breakdown of operational costs, transportation costs, and abandonment investments. Additionally, the output encompasses gross, net, and pricing information for oil, gas, and NGLs.
Updated Standard Defaults: In response to feedback from the PHDwin Week 2022 surveys, the 2.11 release incorporates several updated standard defaults. A notable change is the inclusion of a frequently requested convention to report NGLs as BBLs by default. It’s important to note that these changes will only apply to new projects created in 2.11 and not to projects upgraded from older software versions.
Compatibility with PHDwin Version 2.96 PHZ Files: If you possess a PHDwin version 2.96 PHZ file, it can only be opened using 2.11 (or V3). Please be aware that such files cannot be downgraded to 2.9 or 2.10 under any circumstances.
Fix Assurance: Upgrading to 2.11 ensures that you benefit from all the fixes introduced in the V2 line. Despite several significant fixes in later 2.10 builds, many clients failed to install the 2.10 updates after 2.10.6. By adopting 2.11, you can rest assured that you have all the necessary fixes in place. This is particularly valuable for consulting firms seeking alignment with their clients while avoiding the complexities of managing different 2.10 versions. With 2.11, you know you’re on the same page.
The rapid adoption of 2.11 can be attributed to the following factors:
We hope this information provides valuable insights into the immense value offered by the 2.11 release of PHDwin.
Effortless Operating Cost Quality Control with PHDwin V2.11
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If you receive an error when running V2 after downloading 2.11.1 please verify your license file. Please note that you need 2.11 to open a 2.96 V2 PHZ file.
**V2 Connect Excel spreadsheet requires 2.11.1**
PHDwin 2.11 now includes an Excel-based output called V2Connect to enable a new workflow for QC and reporting in PHDwin. The V2Connect spreadsheet and associated documentation are included in 2.11.
As per many users’ requests, PHDwin 2.11 now includes two new default conventions: Imperial NGL bbl which reports out NGLs in Mbbl, and Imperial Small which has no M units and reports out NGLs as bbls.
The primary discount rate changed to 10%
Enabling be default Conventions tab on Project Properties
Enabled double click opens case editor setting
Updated reports to fix speed issues with Windows 10 and 11
Mapping update for Power Tools files to include pricing and the correct differentials. This feature is now complete for this version of the program.
Cleaned old example models and scenarios in the default TRCDefaults.mod models file. Now includes new NYMEX example models for Oil and Gas from Jan 2022 courtesy of Dwayne Purvis PE.
Included with 2.11 is a new spreadsheet V2Connect.xlsx that is required to use the V2Connect feature. Also included is V2Connect Manual.pdf which describes how to use and troubleshoot the quality.
Changes to reports:
“List ID Codes” dynamically reports all ID codes
“Investment One Liner” offers case-by-case investments broken down as both intangible and tangible and risked and unrisked
“Excel One Liner” is the most comprehensive one-line report ever offered in PHDwin V2 with gross and net values for Oil, Gas, and NGLs, pricing for those three products, units for the report run, broken-out taxes and costs, broken-out abandonment investments, plus advanced good count information and more.